Gysho Business Enablement Blog

Use Case: Accelerate Market Research with Artificial Intelligence 

Written by Danielle de Hoogh | Dec 12, 2023 10:05:49 PM

The development and marketing of our AI based sales acceleration platform launched us into the Generative AI space at a pace we did not foresee. We moved from a traditional consultancy to an AI advisory firm aimed at solving complex business issues. That comes with a few perks, such as a huge amount of time to experiment (read: play around) with new technology. 

One recent experiment is worth sharing and we’re considering making it a reality. Gysho recently completed two market studies, which proved to be a great opportunity to explore how AI can be used to accelerate timelines and improve accuracy. 

Using artificial intelligence shortened market studies from 3 months to 1 week and compiled over 3000 verified sources into a single strategic source.

The Challenge

I have a fairly long history in marketing and sales, working in anything from frontline positions to leading teams launching new products. Reliable market research has always been crucial to inform effective strategies, but they come with challenges:

  1. High quality market studies take time and resource (bright minds) to complete.
  2. More data equals more reliable strategy, but also makes analysis more complex.

It’s a perfect challenge for our experimental AI practice to solve.

Step 1: Market Study Definition

We started as usual, by defining the goals, structure and process of the studies. We tested to see what AI would be able to do here and found that human input is crucial to create a solid foundation.

Where your expertise is needed:

  • Defining the goals of the market study in its purest form, which drives all activities.
  • Ensuring the study is specific to your organisation (markets, services, geographies).
  • Create a coherent plan by connecting all the dots in the study.

When we prompted AI to do this job, we found the results too generic, inconsistent and sometimes overly complex. However, AI was good at giving us feedback.

Where AI can help:

  • AI provided a series of approaches, which we reengineered into a best-of-breed approach which served our specific needs.
  • We then asked AI to check and validate our final approach and got suggestions on how we could enhance it.

Currently AI is not good enough to define a study from scratch, but it can play the role of assistant in giving ideas and checking drafts.

Step 2: Accelerate Data Collection

The data collection phase often takes a lot of time and can be laborious, searching online for reliable sources, reading and summarising them. This is where AI showed its true potential for market researchers.

We used three AI solutions with mixed results. We asked each of them to:

  • Mine the internet for reliable (pre-defined) sources for answers to research questions.
  • Compile the information from those sources into a single summary.
  • Perform deep dive research for areas where we found unexpected results.

Microsoft’s Bing AI search was the unexpected leader in the field. Whilst search results are not as rich as Google’s, its ability to stay accurate and communicate shortcomings in available data was impressive.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT just publicly launched its browsing capability, so we naturally tried this solution too. We found that summaries were even better than Bing’s, but it was less capable of mining larger datasets/sources and often timed out. This has improved since.

Google’s Bard was a big disappointment. We were initially extremely excited about the detailed responses we got and looked at it as the absolute leader of the pack. That was until we performed our validation exercise to safeguard against AI hallucinations.

Step 3: Data Validation & Hallucinations

Artificial Intelligence can be prone to hallucinations, which is where it makes up information to answer a question. Clearly not something you want in a market study.

To safeguard against this, we performed a validation: 

  1. Every request had to be backed up by sources so we could validate the answers given by manually reviewing them. 
  2. We cross checked answers from each AI solution by entering them into the other two. 

Bing and ChatGPT were mostly aligned, we did not find any hallucinations and they both highlighted if specifics from answers could not be validated.

It turned out Bard had consistently made things up. Both in manual verification and by checking with Bing/GPT, it showed that sources did not actually exist. Obviously, statements made by Bard turned out to be completely inaccurate. It was a major disappointment and we decided to exclude all data produced by Bard.

Step 4: Advanced Analysis

With our dataset growing rapidly we started exploring how we could use AI to derive meaningful insights. Our dataset contained over 140 summaries from 3000 sources, which made a manual analysis increasingly complex.

At this stage we did not want to expose our data and interactions to the outside world, so we created a custom solution within Azure to analyse our dataset. This involved creating a vector database, which allowed us to analyse relationships, context and dependencies. In short, it allows us to ask questions on our dataset as if we’re talking to an expert.

What we found:

  • Analysing our full dataset to answer specific questions was now a matter of asking a single question.
  • AI was able to find new patterns and relationships by combining all sources, providing more accurate and pragmatic input than humans can.


After completing both studies, we evaluated the results and found them to be transformative:

  • Faster Data Processing: What previously took months, now was accomplished in days, offering vastly deeper market insights.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: AI's ability to process large data sets reduced human error, found new correlations and provided more precise strategic input.
  • Agility: As data collection and analysis accelerated, so did our ability to change our plan as prompted by findings. It meant we performed more deep dives, validations and explored more alternatives, creating an overall more informed strategy.

In short, AI proved extremely capable of solving the challenges we set out to solve. Lead times decreased substantially, whilst datasets were larger and analyses more accurate. Moreover, the value to strategic planning increased thanks to the pragmatic implementation of assistants.

Wildcard: Your Research Assistant

The tool we created for data analysis performed beyond our expectations. As we developed research reports and created strategic plans, we found ourselves using the tool as an assistant which continuously provides input to questions and strategic decisions.

Is this the perfect market research assistant to inform the strategic thinking of entrepreneurs? Moreover, can it form the foundation for more agile business strategies in SME's that are continuously informed by fact?

Together with our partner Wink-IT (Thomas Wink) we develop experimental AI solutions to solve complex business challenges. We’re considering developing this experiment into a reusable market research assistant for others.

Do you want to do more, better and faster market research? Get in touch with us!