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My career has spanned a few businesses by now, with exposure to anything from start ups to well established corporates. One company that really stood out was Gartner, where everyone is on a constant mission to find ways to do things better. Data was foundational to this mission, at each level in the organisation . It did not matter if we looked at the performance of a single sales territory, or the CFO explaining how a 15.000 strong sales force could accelerate by changing 1 thing (best presentation I have ever seen), data underpinned action.

Before and after that I was with smaller businesses. Whilst small, these companies are at least if not more ambitious, have smart people and great plans. They do not however have the vast resources Gartner has to look at data. In daily operations this has less impact, we can setup a dashboard once and operate effectively. It's more complicated when strategic decisions need to be made.

Market Research for Business Growth

Some of the most impactful decisions revolve around the commercial strategy. It's a costly exercise, carries lots of risk and can potentially be frustrating if you do not get it right.

  • Is it better to grow internationally?
  • Should you explore new verticals instead?
  • Is that new innovative product really going to pay off?
  • How should you launch it?

To make things easier, companies resort to market research. Good market research decreases the risk of new initiatives and validates the decisions that a company makes. Good market research is also resource heavy. In my case, I often worked with internship trainees who would work tirelessly for 3 months before presenting a report. It was the 'lightest' resource approach we could think of at the time.

In any of those strategic initiatives for the smaller businesses, we ran into the same challenges:

  • We don't have enough people to do regular market research.
  • It's too costly to hire a marketing agency to do the research for us.
  • We make fast decisions and it's not feasible to research every single one.
  • Three months is a long lead time for any decision we needed to make.
  • Relevance of a research quickly diminished as our environment changed.

The research was in all cases extremely useful to ground decision making and stop us from making mistakes, it was just too complex to keep on building a dataset to help us along the way. In practice, we did a study once and executed for a year to two years before going back and validate our approach with a new study.

Trustworthy Data for Informed Decisions

The trend for 2024 is clear: there's a greater emphasis on accurate, high-quality, and reliable data sources for market research. Our tool addresses this need by analyzing vast online datasets to extract high-fidelity insights. With our AI, you can trust the data's integrity, enabling you to make strategic decisions backed by verified big data.

Swift and Efficient Data Analysis

Time is of the essence, and our AI solutions are built to save you precious hours by quickly analysing massive volumes of data. This rapid insight generation means you can respond to market changes swiftly, staying ahead of the competition.

Enhancing Productivity Across the Board

Productivity improvement is a universal goal, and our tool is an ally in this pursuit. By streamlining service operations and customer engagement, we empower your teams to focus on what they do best, fostering an environment of efficiency and creativity.

Risk-Informed Strategies for a Competitive Edge

Understanding market trends and predicting business risks are crucial for staying competitive. Our AI-powered tool provides the foresight you need to navigate the market confidently, ensuring that every decision is informed by robust risk analysis.

Personalized Experiences Driven by AI

In the age of customization, our tool stands out by enabling personalized customer interactions based on actionable data insight . This capability allows you to tailor your strategies to meet customer needs more accurately, enhancing engagement and loyalty.

Cost-Effective Market Research

AI's ability to scan billions of data points quickly translates into cost savings for your business. Our market research tool is not only efficient but also more cost-effective than traditional research methods, providing a significant return on investment.

Agility to Keep Pace with Market Trends

The need for solutions that help companies quickly launch products and services is more pressing than ever. Our AI tool equips you with the agility to keep up with market trends, ensuring that your offerings remain relevant and competitive.

Hyperautomation for Strategic Focus

Hyperautomation is the future, and our tool is your gateway to it. By automating processes from strategy creation to content generation, we reduce the need for manual intervention, allowing your marketing teams to concentrate on strategic tasks that drive growth.

Commitment to Security and Compliance

In an era where data usage is surging, we prioritize security and compliance. Our commitment to ethical AI ensures that your data and privacy are protected, aligning with regional regulations and giving you peace of mind.

By leveraging our AI-powered market research tool, you can harness the power of high-quality data and insightful analysis to drive your business forward. Embrace the future of market research and make decisions that propel your organization to new heights.

Post by Sander de Hoogh