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Businesses face an increasing pace of change in their markets, whether driven by technological advancements or changing market perceptions, the speed of change is challenging. The best businesses master the ability to make informed decisions on the fly, updating their strategies continuously to stay aligned with market dynamics. That's a real challenge gor small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), given resource limitations. Staying competitive means leveraging every available advantage, with real-time data being one of the most powerful tools at their disposal. This article explores why real-time data is essential for SMB growth and how toolsI can help businesses harness this power effectively.


Vector icon in pink of a clock, display screen with a bar graph and a calendar

Agility and Responsiveness:

The ability to access and analyse data in near real-time allows SMBs to react swiftly to market changes. Whether it's adjusting marketing strategies, responding to customer feedback, or capitalising on emerging trends, up to date information ensures that businesses are not left behind. 

Vector image of a pink person icon surrounded by four arrows pointing towards the person

Enhanced Customer Experience:

Customers expect immediate and personalised responses. Real-time data allows businesses to understand their customers' needs and preferences instantaneously, providing an opportunity to tailor services and products dynamically.

A pink icon displaying a woman working on her laptop with a cog and light bulb icon in the background

Informed Decision-Making:

Decisions based on outdated information can lead to missed opportunities and costly mistakes. Real-time data provides a current snapshot of business performance and market conditions, enabling more accurate and timely decision-making. 

A pink trust icon with two documents in the background and a handshake in the foreground

Competitive Edge:

Access to real-time data provides a significant competitive advantage. It empowers SMBs to anticipate market movements, understand competitive dynamics, and be the first to act on new opportunities. 




Despite the clear benefits, many SMBs face challenges in harnessing real-time data effectively: 
A pink icon of Half of a status report and half of a cog


The volume of data generated can be overwhelming. Without the right tools, filtering through and analysing this data to find actionable insights can be daunting. 

A web development icon represented by code snippets, image and files

Resource Constraints:

SMBs often operate with limited resources, making it challenging to dedicate time and budget to sophisticated data analysis. 

Vector icon depicting a person's face with pink color, featuring neural networks in place of the brain

Technical Expertise:

Analysing real-time data requires a certain level of technical expertise, which may be lacking in smaller businesses. 




This is where MarqtAI comes into play. MarqtAI is an AI-powered market research tool designed to make up to date market information accessible and manageable for SMBs. Here’s how MarqtAI addresses these challenges: 
Pink icon depicting a pie chart and bar graph

Automated Data Collection and Analysis:

MarqtAI aggregates data from hundreds of online sources—including social media, customer reviews, and sales data—providing a comprehensive and continuous flow of information. In every study you perform, the AI-driven platform collects new online data in real-time, delivering actionable insights without the need for extensive manual effort. 

Pink icon of three digital displays and a hand choosing an option

User-Friendly Interface:

Designed specifically for SMBs, MarqtAI's user-friendly interface ensures that businesses do not need technical expertise to leverage the platform. Users can input five simple parameters to initiate research, making real-time data analysis straightforward and accessible. 

A pink icon with a Desktop, a pie chart and a magnifying glass

(Near) Real-Time Insights:

MarqtAI delivers near real-time insights, allowing businesses to stay nimble and responsive to market changes. We collect the most recent sources automatically in every study to compile the most recent and accurate view of the market. Your data is as recent as the internet's knowledge.

Pink icon with Laptop displaying a bar graph with a magnifying glass

Actionable Recommendations:

Beyond data analysis, MarqtAI provides strategic recommendations based on the insights generated. This feature transforms raw data into practical advice, guiding businesses in fine-tuning their strategies and operations. 




MarqtAI sets itself apart from other market research tools with unique features and capabilities: 
Pink digital screen icon representing communication and media with letter, messages, play icon, and a loudspeaker

Customised Market Research:

By analysing customer reviews and social media mentions, businesses identify common pain points customers experience. Armed with this insight, they optimise customer experience processes, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and increased repeat purchases. 

Vector icon in pink of half a cog and half a neural network

AI Capabilities:

AR can enhance the shopping experience by overlaying digital information on the physical world. Businesses can use AR to offer virtual try-ons or interactive product demos, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction. 

A pink icon of a spaceman holding earth while floating in space

AI Assistant:

It incorporates an AI assistant grounded on research data to provide direct and pragmatic advice and support to users. 

A pink icon displaying a woman working on her laptop with a cog and light bulb icon in the background

Marketing Assistant:

The application acts as a marketing assistant, augmenting current staff by performing time-consuming work such as data collection, analysis, and content creation. 




Pink icon of a stationary telescope

Customer Sentiment Analysis:

A growing e-commerce business used MarqtAI to monitor customer sentiment in real-time. By analysing customer reviews and social media mentions, the business identified a common pain point related to delivery times. Armed with this insight, they optimised their logistics processes, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and increased repeat purchases. 

Market Trend Identification:

A local café chain employed MarqtAI to identify emerging food and beverage trends. The real-time data showed a growing interest in plant-based options. The café quickly adapted its menu to include vegan-friendly items, attracting a new customer segment and boosting sales. 

Image of a pink icon with a cart, heart, shopping basket, and handbag surrounding a shop




A pink icon depicting an arrow hitting a bill on the bullseye

Define Your Objectives:

Clearly outline what you want to achieve with real-time data. Whether it’s improving customer experience, optimising marketing strategies, or staying ahead of competitors, having clear objectives will guide your data analysis efforts. 

Vector icon in pink of a wrench and a screwdriver around a magnifying glass with a cog in it

Leverage AI Tools:

Invest in AI-driven tools like MarqtAI that simplify the data collection and analysis process. These platforms can handle the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on interpreting and acting on the insights. 

Pink icon of a person holding a screen displaying stats

Monitor Continuously:

Real-time data analysis is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor key metrics and performance indicators to stay updated with the latest market trends and customer behaviors. 

Three people looking at a cog with an upward facing arrow

Engage Your Team:

Involve your team in the data analysis process. Collaborative efforts can generate diverse perspectives and innovative solutions based on the insights obtained. 


Real-time data is transforming the way SMBs operate, enabling them to make timely, informed decisions that drive growth and competitive advantage. By leveraging AI-powered tools like MarqtAI, businesses can overcome the challenges associated with real-time data analysis and unlock its full potential. 

MarqtAI simplifies the complexities of real-time data, providing SMBs with the insights they need to stay agile, enhance customer experience, and maintain a competitive edge. Embrace the power of real-time data with MarqtAI and position your business for sustained growth and success.

Post by Sander de Hoogh