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Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can use their size to be more agile than larger, more established organisations. To really benefit from that trait, they need to have in depth information about their market. Traditionally, market research has been a high-cost and time-consuming exercise, and apart from the odd study, something that is reserved for larger enterprises. However, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly democratising market research, making it affordable and near-instantaneous for SMBs. This transformation is not only making high-quality research accessible but is also enabling SMBs to leverage data-driven decisions without extensive marketing expertise.

A pink icon with two pieces of paper with check boxes and a pen


Historically, market research involved extensive surveys, focus groups, and the input of costly market research firms. These approaches required substantial budgets and dedicated teams, often resulting in data that aged quickly in fast-moving markets. SMBs, typically operating on tighter margins, found these methods prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. 

Traditional market research pitfalls include limited sample sizes, potential biases, and the extensive manual effort required to gather and interpret data. The inflexible nature of traditional methods also meant that by the time the insights were being implemented,  market dynamics could have shifted, rendering the intel less actionable. 


AI technology revolutionises market research by automating data collection, processing, and analysis. This automation drastically reduces costs and time investment, opening up premium-quality research to SMBs. The key advances that AI brings to market research include: 
A pink icon with a Clock, wrench and cog

Real-Time Insights:

Unlike traditional methods that take weeks or months, AI can process and analyse data almost instantaneously, delivering insights in near real-time. This timely access to information allows SMBs to pivot rapidly in response to market changes.
Pink icon with Laptop displaying a bar graph with a magnifying glass

Cost Efficiency:

Automation in data collection and analysis reduces the need for large research teams and consultants. For SMBs with limited budgets, AI offers a cost-effective solution to gain high-quality insights.


A pink icon of half a brain and half a cog working together

Automated Data Collection and Analysis:

AI tools aggregate data from a multitude of sources—social media, customer reviews, sales data—with unprecedented speed and efficiency. Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables these tools to understand and contextualise unstructured data, providing rich insights without human intervention.
A pink icon displaying a woman working on her laptop with a cog and light bulb icon in the background

Personalised Customer Understanding:

AI segments markets more effectively by analysing customer behaviours and preferences through machine learning algorithms. These algorithms identify patterns and predict future trends, allowing businesses to tailor their strategies to specific customer segments.


An icon featuring four pink people surrounding the earth with speech bubbles

Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Bias:

Human biases and errors are minimised in AI-driven research. AI's reliance on data and algorithms ensures a more objective and accurate analysis, continuously improving as more data becomes available. Crucial note to is not to rely on AI models alone, they need to be grounded on valid data to rule out bias in AI itself.





According to Gartner's Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing, AI is recognized as a transformative technology that impacts various aspects of marketing, including market research. Two key insights from Gartner about AI in market research: 
Pink icon with Laptop displaying a bar graph with a magnifying glass

AI-Augmented Analytics:

Gartner highlights AI-augmented analytics as a key trend where AI and machine learning enhance data analytics capabilities. This has significant relevance for MarqtAI, as it leverages these technologies to provide deeper, more accurate insights and strategic recommendations for SMBs.
Pink digital screen icon representing communication and media with letter, messages, play icon, and a loudspeaker

Generative AI for Content Creation:

Generative AI has reached a level of maturity where it can be a pivotal tool in creating marketing content. MarqtAI, for example, uses AI to not just generate data but also helps in formulating marketing strategies and content based on those insights.




MarqtAI is designed to bring the power of AI-driven market research to SMBs, providing features that address traditional challenges: 
Pink icon with A Book, Earth Icon and two speech bubbles with A and B in each

Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability:

MarqtAI ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data collected and analysed by using existing mechanisms in search engines to leverage only the highest-rated sources. Additionally, MarqtAI collects a large number of sources and compiles the average results, ruling out odd outliers to provide more reliable and accurate final reports. 
Pink icon of three digital displays and a hand choosing an option

User-Friendly Interface:

With MarqtAI, users input up to four simple parameters to begin their research journey. The platform's intuitive design means that no extensive data science knowledge is required, making it accessible to business owners and marketers alike. 
Pink icon depicting a pie chart and bar graph

Comprehensive Coverage:

MarqtAI offers research capabilities across 20 different market areas, from brand perception to competitor analysis. This breadth ensures that SMBs can access all the information they need in one place. 
A pink icon of a spaceman holding earth while floating in space

Intelligent Assistant:

MarqtAI's AI assistant helps users interpret data and provides actionable recommendations. This feature turns raw data into practical advice, making it easier for SMBs to devise strategies and execute plans effectively.
A pink icon depicting an arrow hitting a bill on the bullseye


By automating the research process, MarqtAI keeps costs low, making high-quality market research accessible to even the smallest businesses.



A pink icon of a rocket ship hovering above a planet with a flag on it


While AI brings considerable benefits to market research, it is not without challenges. For instance, training data that forms the foundation of any AI model may contain societal biases related to race or gender. Models are trained to minimize these biases, but challenges remain. 

Additionally, MarqtAI’s current AI model uses online sources for data generation and does not yet integrate with other apps and sources such as a company’s own sales, marketing, or survey data, which could provide a more balanced view. 

Despite these challenges, ongoing advancements in AI and data management are continually addressing these issues. For instance, MarqtAI prioritises user privacy and data security, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. 


AI is undoubtedly transforming the landscape of market research, breaking down traditional barriers of cost, time, and expertise. For SMBs, this means unprecedented access to insights that were once the reserve of larger enterprises. MarqtAI leads this change, offering a user-friendly, cost-effective, and comprehensive market research solution. 

By embracing AI, SMBs can stay ahead of market trends, make informed decisions, and carve out a competitive edge in their industries. As AI continues to advance, so too will its capacity to revolutionize market research, making it an indispensable tool for growth and innovation. The revolution in market research is here, and it’s driven by AI.