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The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been both incredible in its capabilities and its pace of improvement. AI is already taking over a large portion of work across various industries and professions. In this post, I'll reflect on using OpenAI's GPT-4, the latest iteration of the most powerful and popular AI solution, in sales positions.

GPT-3.5 vs. GPT-4

Over the past weeks, I've been experimenting with ChatGPT, testing it to identify practical use cases. I found its applications to be much broader than expected, and it's systematically becoming a part of the toolset I use every day. This experience was with the free version, GPT-3.5. It's said that the newer (paid) GPT-4 version is significantly better, so I decided to put it to the test.

What did I find? It is indeed exceptional at answering questions, and well worth the $20 monthly fee. Here's what I observed and why I believe it's worth the investment:

  • When asked to produce a text, the result is more naturally sounding. The previous version leaned on using popular and overused words (like "transformative") frequently, regardless of context. The new version employs these words only when appropriate.
  • Texts are more action-focused and directly phrased, an asset in a sales environment.
  • GPT-4 understands more complex prompts and requires less 'tweaking' to achieve a satisfactory result. I used to rewrite entire texts, but now, I use paragraphs as they are because they simply sound right.

However, GPT-4 does have its limitations. Currently, it's limited to 25 prompts every 3 hours, which means you need to think about your prompts before you start a session, or you may burn through your allotted prompts prematurely. Which brings us to the next question; what are the best use cases?

Top 10 GPT-4 Use Cases for Sales

In exploring GPT-4 for sales, I tested various scenarios like role plays and drafting text. Of course I also asked GPT itself to identify strong use cases. What stood out is that providing sufficient information about your company and services was key in any use case. The more GPT knows, the better the results. Often GPT will recall what you have said in previous interactions making responses better over time.

Below is our Top 10, with the suggested prompt from GPT for each use case italicized:

1. Email Drafting: Draft an eScreenshot 2023-07-09 153643mail to a potential client introducing our new product/service. This prompt creates professional and compelling emails, which require only a little tweaking to make the personalised.

2. Sales Scripts: Generate a sales script for our latest software solution targeting small businesses. This prompt gives you a structured talk track for calls. It's crucial to add enough context about what you are selling and only use a script as a guideline for your meeting.

3. Product Descriptions: Provide a detailed description of our new AI-powered customer service platform. This prompt assists in creating descriptions for products  It is particularly useful if you sell complex solutions and want to simplify a product description or feel that your descriptions are too long. Simply copy/paste an existing text and ask GPT-4 to rewrite it.

4. Customer Support: Respond to a customer's query about the installation process of our product. GPT-4 can help draft support emails to questions. With Gysho's learning the emails will get better over time and will always sound professional.

5. Sales Strategy Suggestions: Suggest a sales strategy for penetrating the healthcare sector with our new medical device. This prompt will provide the steps for a good sales strategy, which is most useful for new hires, products and/or markets. Ask additional questions and provide further input to further fine tune the sales strategy GPT provides. 

6. Objection Handling: Provide a response to a customer who says our product is too expensive. You can ask GPT-4 to suggest objection handling responses. The more specific the objection, the better the response. It's a great way of getting fresh ideas to a problem you are trying to solve.

7. Screenshot 2023-07-09 162004Follow-up Emails: Draft a follow-up email to a client who has not responded to our previous communication. This prompt assists by drafting a polite and professional follow-up email.

8. Meeting Summaries: Summarize the key points discussed in our sales meeting with XYZ company. GPT-4 can help create a concise and clear summary of a meeting, based on the notes you took. Enter the prompt and make clear you want GPT to use the notes you have taken.

9. Proposal Writing: Write a proposal for our digital marketing services tailored to a retail business. This will create a professional sounding, persuasive email to offer your services/products to customers. This one uses great language and can lead to very to the point, strong texts.

10. Closing Techniques: Suggest a closing technique for a client who is interested but hesitant. GPT-4 provides closing techniques, generic or specific depending on the information you provide. It can even practice the conversation with you as a role play.

Tips For New Users

GPT is an extraordinary tool that can significantly boost your productivity, but it's also complex and requires practice to use effectively. Here are a few things I've observed that could help:

  • Provide enough information about your company and services so GPT can use it in the drafts. It will adjust the language used based on the input you provide, making it sector-specific.
  • Try combining prompts to get more specific results, such as 'write a follow-up email to a customer that has an objection about pricing'. This is also a great way to limit the number of prompts you need for a satisfactory result.
  • If you're unsatisfied with the result, give feedback to GPT and ask for a revised version. It's a quick way to get a better version, and GPT will learn from your feedback and avoid repeating the same mistake.
  • Look for integrations with your CRM; ours (Hubspot) has an AI assistant that can even search companies across the UK for you.

Finally, use GPT-4 wisely. It can significantly reduce your administrative tasks and save lots of time, but it can't sell for you. You will still need to add the human touch, conduct effective sales meetings, ask great questions, and build relationships. The best part about GPT is that you will spend more time doing just that.

Check out our ChatGPT for Sales training here if you're keen to get some guidance.

Post by Sander de Hoogh